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Who are we?

Coaching for Social Impact is a global, inclusive, diverse and energetic community which aims to bring together anyone involved in coaching people for the social good in a supportive and collaborative network.


We are committed to championing the positive benefits of coaching in spaces, services and organisations where it is currently unknown or mistakenly defined. We are passionate about democratising coaching and increasing its reach from the private and corporate domains into the social and public spheres. 


Our aim is to showcase coaching for social impact projects, as well as link together people who would like to set projects up. If that's you, get in touch we would love to hear from you and are always happy to welcome new members to the group.

A lit match about to light an unlit match

Our logo

Our logo is inspired by the mycelium network- the nurturing underground web of fungal threads connecting all the trees in an ecosystem. These networks share information and resources, supporting individual trees in order to strengthen the ecosystem as a whole. 


We hope that this network can be for coaches what the mycelium are for trees- connecting individual people and projects in an organic way in order to strengthen the field of coaching for social impact as a whole.

Coaching for Social Impact logo inspired by mycelium network
Credit: Dr Suzanne Triggs. You can access her website HERE.

Our why

We recognise the pervasiveness of increasing inequality, anxiety, alienation, and shrinking choices in our society and want to campaign and play our part in changing this. We want to unite those who use coaching - the well-established and the just getting going - to activate the personal power and agency of those enmeshed in adverse social structures.   

Members of the community are therefore likely to be coaching those who are experiencing social disadvantage or those who want to make a social impact. We want to provoke change, enable socially progressive actions, and bring coaching opportunities into the lives of people where it would not normally be an option.

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Ariel view of a city

Get involved


We love to hear from people doing this work, or interested in it. Please connect with us via the form below or email us.

Thanks for your message. We will respond as soon as we can.

Ariel view of a city
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